Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Book that Changed My Life

Many years ago my mother tried to get me to read a book that she swore would change my life. The book was called "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. From the sound of the title I automatically rejected her idea. "Mom! I have friends... I don't want to read a book about how loser kids can make friends and stop getting beat up!"

Anyway, probably 15 years later I ran across an audio book version. I was commuting a lot at the time and was sick of music so I bought it and started listening. Little did I know it was actually a business book! And that book CHANGED EVERY RELATIONSHIP I HAVE HAD SINCE! I mean it. Dating relationships, business relationships, social relationships, family relationships, and any other kind you can think of.

I have decided to read the book once per year for the rest of my life. All of my employees will be required to read it. I made a goal to influence 1000 people to read the book in my lifetime. So far I am at about 30. Because of this book I have learned to work through almost any issue and sell my ideas much more effectively.

If you have never read this book please buy a copy and read it. Has anyone else read the book? What was your favorite part of the book?


rich said...

Wow! What a recommendation. I will have to give it a read. I found it for 1 cent on amazon in its mass paperback form. You really can't beat a penny.

Lincoln said...

that's funny. my dad made us read it when we were in high school. definitely a game changer when it comes to dealing with people.