This simple act of carrying them with me is enough to be a constant nag in my back pocket to stick to activities that are going to bring me closer to what I really want in life. But sometimes life's little activites creep into your life and get your priorities slightly out of sync. For example, I have been so busy with a campaign and brainstorming at work that I have let my work creep into my evening hours and bump out priorities that are important to me.
Time to dejunk: For one thing, I have convinced myself that I am too busy to cook my own food and that eating out is the logical choice to being more productive. But that is counter to anotheer of my goals to be more healthy and lose weight.
I once had a mentor that told me that he planned out his business day each morning by asking himself, "What is the activity that stands to make me the most money in the long run?" And that is the activity that he does first even if it is the least favorite one. Such a question is appropriate with any goal. What is the number one activity you need to do today to bring you closer to your goals?
I just recently posted a blog about intentional living and it seems connected to this idea. What do you think it means to live intentionally?
Something I've found specifically with the goal of losing weight and being healthy is that people lose perspective so easily. They want to be healthy, and yet they eat fast food and don't work out. Typically, this is because their time is limited. However, long term, you're shaving five years off your life by not working out, as well as decreasing the quality of life you will enjoy in your later years. A common activity I do with my clients is having them answer questions about exactly what they did that day. How many hours did you spend doing something you sincerely enjoy? How many hours did you spend looking at the computer (work related or not)? Obviously there are more questions, but you get the concept. If you honestly look at your day, I am willing to bet you have at LEAST an hour (no matter what your career) to do something to take care of your body that God has given you. Gaining that perspective is one of the greatest motivators...rather than "investing" in someone else's company or happiness, carve out time to invest in your future health and happiness...
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